All models in a detachment must share a faction keyword. Battle-forged armies can have one or more detachments in an army.Ī detachment is a method of organizing models in an army. Matched Play games require the army to be battle-forged-that is, all models in the army must be organized into detachments sharing a faction keyword. Open Play and Narrative Play games allow more flexibility in list building and allow armies to be built that are not battle-forged. There are three current ways to play Warhammer 40K- Open play, Narrative Play, and Matched Play. This section will define some key terms as they relate to the 8 th edition of the game. Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition is a large departure from previous version of Warhammer 40,000. Players may join the escalation league at any time during the league. Events will occur weekly, with an ascending point level, giving players time to build, paint, and plan their core force over 8 weeks.
The goal of the Gnome Games Warhammer 40,000 Escalation league is to bring new players to the tables, train existing players, and have fun while building up tournament-level armies. Warhammer 40,000 Escalation League Winter 2019