Search all for '_PATT' and copy each of these, renaming as shown in the video, and editing the MSWP file to point to your BGSM files. copy the files in the materials folder, open in BAE and edit them to point to your newly moved texture files. dds files from the textures folder and put them in your folder, or rename them accordingly. esp to work with that's associated with your mods. Hats off to the original authors for these very useful programs. You'll need Material Editor for sure, and you might as well get BAE too. We're using GIMP in this tutorial, but anything that opens. :::Steps::: These are all shown in the video tutorial as well.
xcf projects for GIMP which have all labelled areas as layers. BLANK texture files (just white, no labels) and. 7z you'll get from here contains original.